Support local, let’s get through this together

Imlisanen Jamir

Our local businesses are fighting for survival, and they need our help.

For many locally owned shops, restaurants and businesses, the COVID-19 pandemic has created an unprecedented economic disaster.

For weeks, customers have holed up in their homes except for the rare trip for groceries and essentials. And events and holidays that should have meant booming profits were all but canceled.

Local businesses are now trying to just stay afloat. Forget profits, many now struggle to pay rent or staff salaries and have been forced to lay off people. 

Supporting local stores and restaurants now will lessen the impact this outbreak has on our communities. It will help save jobs and make the local economy stronger because when we help small businesses, we help everybody.

The pandemic has also forced many local businesses to adapt to the evolving situation and find ways to work their way around this situation.  

Our restaurateurs have diversified the way they do business out of necessity right now. From adding delivery options to creating drive-thru pickup windows they are being inventive in continuing to operate.  We urge you to consider a new “dining out” option occasionally so that we may have the opportunity to “dine-in” when restrictions are lifted. 

Shopping at small businesses online can help too. Local stores may be closed, but their websites are up, and many are still taking and filling orders. The same goes for many service providers.  Numerous small businesses are offering online shopping options.  Really, this is a dream come true for many as we enjoy the luxury of shopping from home in our pajamas while supporting our friends and neighbors.  

Small businesses, after all, aren’t owned by big corporations based on the other side of the country or the world. Small businesses create jobs or us. These same small businesses that are struggling to survive are the organizations that are owned – and employ – our family and friends and neighbors. 

Supporting local shops and restaurants now will lessen the impact this outbreak has on our community. It will help save jobs and make the local economy stronger because when we help small businesses, we help everybody.

Let’s take this time to lift up and encourage each other. There’s hope to be had in a time like this, so let’s be kind and get through this together.

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