
  • Renewing the Memory of Brotherhood: A Reminiscence of the Nagas
    In support to the FNR work on reconciling the man-made-distancing Naga brethrenFirstly, a firm thumps-up to the Forum of Naga Reconciliation (FNR) committee for their sacrificial effort in mending our broken fa
  • Article 371 (A) — Need for Continuity & Change
    The State government has rightly sought a consultation on some vital issue that concerns both the present and future of Nagaland and its people. To be held on Friday i.e. October 8, 2010, the State Level Consul
  • Holy Politicians
    Whenever we hear the word politician all that we assume are bribery, controversies and corruption. The negative aspects of it clouds our mind and makes us fail to see the positive aspects of it. When these vice
  • Socio-Ethnic Tension and Security menace
    The Northeast region is crucible where Aryans, Dravidians and Mongoloid races are inter mixed. It is enveloped by Bhutan, Nepal and China in the North and the Northeast, and in the South by Bangladesh and Myanm
  • Principle of Christian Freedom
    A debate over the issue of dictating individual freedom through the use of liquor has caused confusion in the minds of the public and innocent people. Besides, the statement given by Christian brothers one advo
  • India’s emerging power and future Olympics
    Oken Jeet SandhamNew Delhi, though not seen producing good sportsperson in spite of being second populous country in the world, has courage to host this XIX Commonwealth Games 2010. This mega sporting event wil
  • For the Sake of Tomorrow
    Charles ChasieVarious individuals and groups have already expressed their happiness, and gratitude, over the September 18 meeting of the top leadership of the NSCN (IM), NSCN (K) and NNC/FGN (Shingnya) and also
  • Pecularity of the Nagas
    The forefathers of the Nagas were called head-hunters as they lived in the era of uncivilized and savage age. In villages’ feuds, taking the heads of their enemies was regarded as their reputation and skulls
  • Nbcc Should Reasonably Justify Their Stand On Prohibition
    The writer, on observing and experiencing the consequences of the liquor prohibition since its enforcement in 1989, wish to write this to the NBCC and the NMM about their unsuccessful imposition of liquor prohi
  • Will Reservation Improve The Woman’s Lot In India?
    Thepfulhouvi SoloDr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, a Member of the ‘Untouchable’ Community in India, a PhD from Harvard USA, legal education from UK was the Author of the CONSTITUTION OF INDIA. He saw his Community can
  • Is something missing in our Sunday schools today?
    During my childhood days, I considered Sunday Morning as the best day of the week. Comparing to other days, I get up early every Sunday morning to attend my Sunday School Class. Those days, there were no other
  • The Irony And Absolute Absurdity Of The Indo–Naga Problem
    Kaka D. IraluTo begin with, do Nagas really have a political problem with India? If one looks at Nagaland today, at the surface level, there seems to be no problem at all. After all 90% + Nagas are happily purs
    S VarahAs a result, security and serene existence of other life forms is being seriously threatened as the Naga eat them all. All creations are at great risk to move, crawl, fly and roam in the woods; many of t
  • Behold, beware Myanmar's fourth empire
    Bertil LintnerMyanmar's government has announced democratic elections will be held on November 7 and Western pundits are busy speculating whether the polls will lead to a new, more open era in the troubled coun
  • Naga Idol: Direct conflict of interest
    Vekho P. Ringa One of the more remarkable features of our Naga Idol system is the way it has allowed and even encouraged the proliferation of young aspiring singers in providing a platform to expose their
    Friendships turn to enmity. Trust can lead to betrayal. Promises are broken and relationships turn bitter. We lose a loved one either through death, separation or simply because they get up and go. We hold grud
  • Has the Govt. of India Lied to the Naga People, then?
    Puni ModoliThe statement in the Lok Sabha on 19th August ’10, by the Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram that the Govt. of India rules out any move to alter the boundary of the states in the North-East region
  • Is something wrong with the present Christian Mission Strategy?
    Imti Jamir KohimaIn this world only 40% of the world population is Christian and the remaining are un-believers. But what our dear Lord commands us Mark 16:15 “Go into all the world and preach the good n
  • Does The Church Grow Senile At 100 Years?
    Thepfulhouvi SoloThe Church appears to grow senile, its Spiritual Eyes dim and out of focus when it attains the age of 100 years or more. Paul in his Missionary Journeys established Groups of Jews, increasingly
  • When Has Rape Become Consensual?
    Roselyn TungoeRape is defined in India as intentional, unlawful sexual intercourse with a woman without her consent. The essential elements of this definition under Section 375 of the Indian Penal Code are 'sex
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