Those who voted ‘YES’ had to say• Most of the Nagas tribes have the own ethnocentrism in their respective tribe.• 1.The so call “advance tribes” feel th
Those who voted ‘YES’ had to say• Since both the faction has now openly engaging in an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth shooting even in the public places. Let them apply this
Those who voted ‘CHURCH’ had to say:• The Church is in the best position to bring about reconciliation and unity. It is one of the very, very few institutions in Nagaland that works
Those who voted ‘NO’ had to say:• No, I don’t agree with reservation. There are other ways of addressing social injustice. Reservation is only a cover-up and does not tackle the p
Those who voted ‘NO’ had to say:• Simple reason! When we visit the hospitals in Nagaland, it speaks volumes about the pathetic condition of health care services.•  
Those who said ‘NO’ had to say:• Electricity is one of the greatest problems we have been facing all over Nagaland.The Govt should take up some small hydro project to meet the needs
Those who said ‘NO’ had to say• Now a day’s people are more concerned about their own living, and not about other. They know the individual, knowing that peace is there if there i
For peace to be attained, Nagas must pursueSolution• What’s reconciliation for nagas? What make us to be reconciled? For what? And who should reconcile? Its all because we have not ac
Those who voted ‘NO’ had to say• Because govt.vehicles are solely for official duty only• What is worse is sons and daughters of officers using government v
Those who voted YES had to say• Independent of judiciary is the only to provide justice to the people.• Our Naga society is a civilized society and it needs ind
Those who voted NO had to say• Equi-closeness must extend to all groups because this is the Naga reality. The policy needs to be implemented with all factions. As of now, it has f
Those who voted ‘NO’ had to say:• By parading the accused (and victim), the concerned Unions like the ASU, etc are simply parading their own barbarism, depravity, and a mentality that takes us back to the
Those who voted ‘YES’ had to say• Only in comparison to women in other states but not compared to men• Every women contributes equal share to make a society
Those who answered YES had to say:• Its sadly one of the major problem of us Nagas, we intend to take our domestic anger to the outside world. The most perfect example is” beating up of non locals for no re
Those who voted NO had to say:• Nay! I think outsiders should stop poking there noses in the affairs of DMC. They talk big about politics of peace and integration but what really transpires is just getting n
1. YES 2. NO 3. MaybeThose who voted NO had to say: • What a stupid question when the bigger and more tangible issue of prohibition is still not enforced. How can you miss the cow and
1. Yes 2. No 3. MaybeThose who voted YES had to say: • Nagaland Government has no choice but to withdraw the IRB from Chhattisgarh. To continue would only mean more body bags of Naga soldiers
Those who chose Government servant had to say• Parents think that their children are a failure if they don’t get govt. jobs because there are few opportunities for other options. So the young people are stu
Those who voted ‘NO’ had to say:• Not at all, old people think they are the beginning and the end, they leave no room whatsoever to even respect the presence of young people in their midst. They think tha
Those who voted ‘YES’ had this to say:• That shows there is life for our women even beyond the four walls, unlike in many states of India. absolutely a positive step!!Those who voted ‘NO’ had this to